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Which is the best American Fridge Freezer to buy?

Looking to invest in an American-style fridge freezer but aren’t sure where to start with your search? We’ve got everything you need to know here. 

Whether you’re unsure about the styles available, the types of features they have or even if you can get a water dispenser, we’ll cover everything you need to know. 

What is an American fridge freezer? 

Are you curious about what differentiates an American fridge freezer from other standard refrigerators? Well, instead of having one single swinging door, these fridge freezers have double doors, opening from the middle out. 

They also tend to be bigger than normal refrigerators due to their increased size and depth. This makes them perfect for storing large amounts of food. 

Which is the best American-style fridge freezer for you? 

American fridge freezers are fantastic kitchen appliances. If you’re planning on getting your hands on one of these refrigerators, be sure to consider all the specs and features to ensure you get the right fridge for you. 


If you’re planning on getting an American-style fridge freezer, you probably already know that they take up much more space than a regular refrigerator. But when it comes to actually choosing which model you want, some American fridge freezers are much more voluminous than others. If you like to go big with your shopping, you’ll definitely want a larger refrigerator. 

Another style aspect to think about is how you want to use your American fridge freezer. Some are much taller with two side-by-side doors, while others have a ‘French door’ style, where the fridge compartment sits on top with a double door, and the freezer is below, usually with pull out drawers. 


American fridge freezers are considered premium kitchen appliances, and with this high-level status comes a range of fantastic features. 

Ice & water dispensers 

Having freshly chilled water or ice on hand 24/7 is an absolute pleasure. If this sounds like a feature you need, then be sure to keep an eye out for an American fridge freezer with a water and ice dispenser. 

Do keep in mind that some refrigerators will need to be installed so that it is positioned close to a water supply. However, it’s also possible to get American-style fridge freezers that you don;t have to have plumbed; these fridges have water containers which you fill up manually. 

Fast freeze

Fast freeze is a common feature of all American-style fridge freezers. Essentially, what this function does is quickly cool fresh foods down to a cold temperature in a safe, effective manner without damaging the produce. This also ensures that the quality of food already in your freezer isn’t compromised. 


An alarm for your fridge? Why would you need that? Well, if someone happens to leave the fridge door slightly ajar, you don’t want all your delicious food to spoil. That’s why American fridge freezers have built-in alarms to alert you when a fridge door hasn’t been closed properly. 

Holiday mode

When you’re heading on vacation for a couple of days or even weeks, keeping your home refrigerator going can result in unnecessary power wastage. To help with this, some American fridge freezers have a ‘holiday mode,’ which will reduce the fridge's temperature to a maintainable one, lowering the power consumption. 

Specialist drawers

In some models of these refrigerators, you’ll see that they have special drawers to preserve certain foods for as long as possible. This could be a meat storage drawer, a humidity-controlled compartment for fruits and vegetables or even a lidded section for dairy products. This will ultimately allow for controlled air flow and temperatures, keeping food fresher for longer. 

Filter technology 

At one time or another, we’ve all forgotten an item of food in the fridge for a bit longer than it should have been and discovered a strong odour when opening the fridge door. Well, to combat this, several American-style fridge freezers contain special filters to help neutralise these odours. 

Find your ideal American-style fridge freezer at Wellingtons Electrical

When it comes to buying larger kitchen appliances like these American-style refrigerators, you want to know you’re getting it from a reputable seller. Wellington’s Electrical is not only the biggest American Fridge Freezer Centre in Erith, UK. We’re also an award-winning supplier of home electrical goods and offer our clients 5 star-rated service. 

We have a range of American fridge freezers that will meet all your needs. We also offer price match comparison, so you can consider all your options before making your final purchase. We know these kitchen appliances can cost an arm and a leg; that’s why we also have a range of financing options so you can still get your dream refrigerator. 

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