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When to replace your Household Appliances | Lifespan Guide

Household appliances are a necessary part of our everyday lives. They make our lives easier and sometimes more enjoyable. However, it's probably safe to say that at some point in everyone's life, they will have to replace a household appliance. Whether it's your water heater, refrigerator, or air conditioner, eventually these machines will wear out and need to be replaced. 

So how do you know when it's time to say goodbye to your old appliance and welcome a new one into your home? It can be a tricky question, especially if you’re on the market for new household appliances - knowing when you’ll have to make another investment is a big deciding factor.

How often should you replace your oven?

An oven is something that brings life to a home; we can thank these babies for the endless entertainment nights, the lazy nights in with frozen pizzas, and the marvellous creations of goodies. It’s one of the last appliances we want to replace, but by doing so, we can avoid hazardous cooking episodes.

The average lifespan of a stove or oven is typically 10 - 15 years. You’ll notice your oven takes longer to heat up, food doesn’t reach desired temperatures, and specifically for gas stoves, the flame turns yellow and orange rather than blue and purple.

When you should replace your oven or stove:

  • If you’ve started to notice rust and plenty of grime
  • Repair quotes are just way too much
  • Your oven isn’t meeting your cooking needs
  • The glass is cracker and lights don’t work

When to replace refrigerator

Refrigerators are one of the most important appliances in a home, so it's important to know when to replace them. Depending on the make and model, refrigerators can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years

If the refrigerator is younger than 8 years old, it’s always worth repairing if you encounter an issue, rather than investing in a new one right away. If it’s more than 15 years old and needs a replacement, it might be worth saying your goodbyes.

There are several factors that can affect how long a refrigerator lasts, such as how often it's used and the energy-efficient rating. Older models tend to rack up the electricity bill, as well as the repair bill.

Signs you need to replace your refrigerator:

  • Food isn’t staying fresh for as long as it used to
  • Your refrigerator is running (you better go catch it!)
  • If the outside of your refrigerator feels unusually warm
  • Water drops and signs of mildew surrounding the rubber sealing

When to replace washer and dryer

It's hard to know when to replace your washer and dryer. They both usually last around 8 - 10 years, but there are so many variables - like how often you use them, the brand, and the model. 

Even though the appliances may last for a while, when they start showing their age, it's important to know when it's time for a replacement. Ignoring the signs may leave you with an astronomical electricity bill and damaged clothes.

Signs of when you should replace a washer and dryer:

  • Leakage is a huge problem that you need to replace your washer and dryer
  • Excessive constant noise
  • Your clothes aren’t drying properly

How often to replace the dishwasher

Once you have a dishwasher, it’s hard to imagine a life without them. They’re a modern convenience that most of us rely on to keep our dishes clean. In order to keep your dishwasher running well, it's important to know how often you should replace the dishwasher. 

Dishwashers have a lifespan of 10 - 15 years, but the good news is that these appliances are generally easy to repair, given that it’s normally one or two pieces being out of place. 

However, when they’re not working, they can be a bit of a disaster; it could mean eating off half-cleaned plates, streaking glasses, or having to give cutlery an extra scrub. 

How do you know if your dishwasher is bad?

  • Telltale signs include dirty dishes and food residue
  • Loud noises can indicate your dishwasher is in trouble
  • The repair quote exceeds half of the overall value of the machine
  • Water doesn’t drain out the bottom
  • The dishwasher door doesn’t shut properly

When to replace a microwave oven

The average lifespan of a microwave oven is 10 years. While they aren’t exactly an essential part of a kitchen, they make your life 100 times easier. Plus, they’re relatively inexpensive for something that’s going to last you years.

If your microwave oven is even older than 10 years old-don't be surprised if it has some problems with heating up food or displaying numbers correctly. It doesn’t mean your microwave oven is cheap; these machines are tiny and pack a punch, but they can’t last forever.

Signs you need to replace your microwave oven:

  • There’s a burning smell whenever you use it
  • You might see sparks
  • Food isn’t heating through
  • There’s a loud and funny sound produced when it’s on
  • The keypad is no longer functioning well
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