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The health benefits of a good cup of Coffee

The quality of a good cup of coffee can vary hugely! Whilst there’s nothing wrong with instant coffee, a freshly brewed cafe-quality coffee can make a huge difference to your day.  Our coffee machines offer you a professional coffee in your own home with the correct measurements of freshly ground coffee beans for your choice of drink.

What are the health benefits of a fresh cup of coffee?


  • It may help with blood sugar balance


There is medical research that suggests that moderate levels of coffee consumption can help to lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.  A large review of over 15 studies totalling over 450,000 people found that a daily cup of coffee associated with a 7% reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.  Research is ongoing but seems promising.


  • It can improve energy levels


We often hear people saying they’re having a cup of coffee to give them a boost of energy, and there may actually be some truth to this. Coffee contains caffeine which blocks the inhibitory neurotransmitter adenosine when it reaches the brain. Upon arrival the amount of other neurotransmitters (ie dopamine) increases, leading to enhanced firing of neurons and an energy boost.


  • It may boost your metabolism


One of the longest running myths about coffee is that it boosts your metabolism and can help to burn fat.  Research has found this to be true, due to the amount of caffeine within coffee, but it is thought that the effects diminish the longer your drink coffee.  This means that the metabolism impact may be more effective on those who previously did not drink coffee.


  • It could help you live longer


Research published in Annals of Internal Medicine suggests that frequently drinking coffee (around three cups per day) may help you to live longer.  This is because coffee is thought to help reduce the risk of heart disease and other illnesses.  Interestingly in one study alone individuals with type 2 diabetes who drank coffee saw their risk of death lower by 30%.


  • Coffee contains nutrients


Caffeine is always associated with coffee, but often the nutrients in the drink are forgotten. Whilst the recommended daily allowance (RDI) of each nutrient may be a small percentage, this can quickly add up with multiple cups.  The nutrients found in your cup of coffee include:

  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 11% RDI
  • Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5): 6% RDI
  • Manganese & Potassium: 3% RDI
  • Magnesium & Niacin (Vitamin B3): 2% RDI


  • It’s believed to help with depression


It’s thought that over 19% of adults in the UK suffer with depression. In a Harvard study it was found that women who drank 4 or more cups of coffee per day had a 20% lower risk of being depressed.  It is advised however not to drink coffee in excess as it has been found to cause anxiety in agitation in some.  As with everything, enjoyment in moderation is the best.


Making the perfect morning americano

Now we understand some of the health benefits of coffee, here’s how to make the perfect morning americano:

  1. Get your favourite coffee cup ready
  2. Add your chosen beans to your grinder and grind your coffee
  3. Draw a 3oz (or stronger) espresso shot into a separate glass
  4. Draw around 6oz of hot water into your coffee cup (the standard ratio is 2:1 water to espresso)
  5. Pour the espresso shot into your coffee cup
  6. Enjoy!


Let’s grab a cup and enjoy a freshly brewed coffee from your kitchen coffee maker.

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